'Ignore' an index warning
Koleman Nix
We have some 'unused' indices that exist for use by our read replica only. These show up as 'unused' for our master. It would be nice to silence these on a case-by-case basis if we have confirmed that the index is used by the replica.
If this would be resolved by adding the replica to Ottertune, that make sense too! And is something we plan to do
Shannon Ferretti
Update here is belated, I apologize! This feature is live. Please feel free to reach out to support@ottertune.com with any questions or feedback!
Shannon Ferretti
This is now planned work.
Neal Kaviratna
Upvoting for users from Docnetwork who reported a similar issue in the community slack channel.
Stephane Bailliez
Similar scenario for me. I would like to a "dismiss" feature, similar to security findings that you can choose to dismiss when they are not appropriate. You can still see the dismissed items filtered separately but at least it prevents to pollute the suggestions/recommendations.
My use case for dismissing indexes is that postgresql creates a unique index to enforce unique constraints. So those show up in the unused indexes to delete. It begs the question whether the engine should be improved to be able to inspect the ddl to realize the index is actually a synthetic one created for constraints reasons.
Shannon Ferretti
under review
Greg Burd
I think the idea of marking an identified issue as "ignored" (or addressed, or maybe even disagree?) is a good idea for all suggestions made by OtterTune. In addition I think that there should be a way to indicate that a database is a read-replica of some other database and have OtterTune combine information as it applies it heuristics when it makes sense to avoid this specific warning (and possibly others).